Tag Archives: 2017

2017 Red Shadows Star Duster (TBM)

2017 Red Shadows Star Duster (TBM) Sometimes I feel like the staying-power of a TBM figure is dependent on how “needed” the given figure was. Over the years a lot of them have blended together and I can barely even … Continue reading

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2017 TBM Alley Viper (Reverse Colors)

2017 TBM Alley Viper (Reverse Colors) In terms of TBM figures, my favorite run was probably the 2017 Alley Vipers. They felt very new given the mold was never used before, and the original paint masks created for the second … Continue reading

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2017 RLA Odin

2017 RLA Odin In the late 2010‘s, we really had it good with factory customs (AKA: bootlegs), so much so that the endless repaints of similar sculpts began to be something collectors took for granted, at least a little bit. … Continue reading

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Black Major 2017 Cobra Soldado

Black Major 2017 Cobra Soldado There’s going to come a point where my posts about custom Cobra Troopers, Night Vipers and Alley Vipers are going to all sound the same, which is frustrating. However, it’s a risk I’m willing to … Continue reading

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