Tag Archives: Eco Warriors

1991 Cesspool

1991 Cesspool I’d argue that the named Cobras of the 90‘s are right up there with the greats of 1984, or at least very close in quality. To me, Cesspool and Interrogator are easily on par with Copperhead and Wild … Continue reading

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1992 Eco Striker

1992 Eco Striker 1991 was probably the worst year of Joe vehicles ever made, though 1992 wasn’t far off, mainly for continuing a lot of the gimmicks that didn’t really work out from the year before. That includes paper gliders … Continue reading

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1993 Outback (Version 4)

1993 Outback V1 Outback is one of my favorite GI Joe figures. He looks cool, he has great accessories, a great character, and in general, fits the part of the kind of moive-like action hero who can sometimes fight big … Continue reading

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1991 Cleansweep

1991 Clean Sweep Clean Sweep is, overall, probably my favorite figure from the entire Eco-Warriors subset. In the back of my mind, there’s always been this question as to why if he looks so much like Airtight, why wasn’t he … Continue reading

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1992 Barbecue

1992 Barbecue Eco-Warriors are a fun subset. Extremely corny, but as a concept they work perfectly in the world of GI Joe, as chemical warfare is a real and scary thing. Of course, the comics and what not usually put … Continue reading

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1991 Flint (Eco Warriors)

1991 Flint (Eco Warriors) When I was a kid I didn’t like this figure very much. He was brightly colored, he didn’t look much like a normal Flint, and his helmet was butt-ugly too. Technically, it wasn’t my figure, but … Continue reading

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Sludge Viper V1, 1991

At a time, it was debatable what the GI Joe community loathed more: Star Brigade, or Eco Warriors. In recent times however, many Joe fans seem to be softening their opinions on these 90‘s sub-lines, and a few figures have … Continue reading

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1991 Toxo Viper

I’ve always been a big fan of both Toxo Vipers and the Eco Warriors. While the original is a classic, this one is an improvement in ways. I like the colors better on this figure, and it’s much less clunky … Continue reading

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